The Last Time I Bumped Into Don Murray
The last time I bump into Don Murrray / his 83 year old hands were long, / white, blue-veined, tremulous / but strong when we shook hands.
The last time I bump into Don Murrray / his 83 year old hands were long, / white, blue-veined, tremulous / but strong when we shook hands.
There’s water everywhere,” Bobby used to tell me. “It’s under the mountains, even under the deserts if you dig down deep enough.”
I don’t mind snakes / or wriggling worms / though there is one critter / that makes me squirm.
Empirical and anecdotal evidence suggests that boy writers are struggling. Let’s try to understand boy writers instead of judging them.
I know that beginning to write a book is like starting an intense relationship, one that will last for at least a year, often much longer.